The student from Africa gained recognition after suggesting an interesting method for combating excess kilograms.

— Hello! You are considered one of the 10 most intelligent students in the world. Why did you decide to deal with the problem of excess weight?
— I don't have much desire to talk about it in public; my motivation is purely personal. A few years ago, my mother died of hypertension; she had been overweight for years. Despite seeming fine and attempting to lose weight, she suffered a stroke in her sleep, and that was it; she was gone. My grandmother also passed away for the same reason. Following her death, I delved into studying the issues related to excess weight and how to address them.
Over the past three years, I have devoted a lot of time to this issue, particularly to the new method for addressing weight problems that everyone is talking about now, a method that emerged while I was writing my thesis. I saw that I had created something new and never imagined it would generate so much interest from such a wide range of organizations.
— What organizations are we talking about?
— As soon as a publication about my method for shedding excess weight appeared, I began receiving offers to sell my idea. The first offers came from the French, who offered me €2,000,000. The most recent offers came from the Americans, who offered me $4,500,000. Now, I've had to change my phone number and deactivate my social media accounts because people and potential buyers just won't leave me alone.
— But as far as I know you have not yet sold the formula, right?
— Yes, I haven't sold it yet. Maybe this sounds a bit harsh, but I didn't create my formula for the benefit of others abroad. What if I really sold the formula to another country? They would get the patent, prohibit others from producing this product, and make a lot of money. I'm still young, but I'm not foolish. In this situation, ordinary people won't be able to afford it and get rid of overweight. Once, one of the foreign specialists told me that this type of product should be sold for at least $10,000. This is horrible. Who will pay $10,000 for a product in Kenya?
So, when I received an invitation to participate in developing the product for the domestic market, I accepted without hesitation. We collaborated with the best independent specialists in the country to develop the product. It truly was an incredible experience. Now, this product has undergone numerous evaluations and is available to the public.
The production of the product was led by Mr. Hans Bauer, a German investor and philanthropist. We asked him to tell us about this new product and the plans for it.
— What does the idea of Ndapewa Amadhila consist of, in a nutshell? Is it true that it's possible to combat excess weight?
— The goal of Ndapewa Amadhila is basically the same as that of a navigation system for cars: it simply shows the most effective route to a healthy body. And we're talking about a method that will be useful for a lifetime. The product was created based on Ndapewa Amadhila's idea and is called Matcha Slim.
Matcha Slim is a product that must be taken strictly following the instructions. It contains natural extracts, that accelerate the fat-burning process significantly. This product speeds up metabolism and restores the functioning of the endocrine system, stimulates tissue regeneration, and has miraculous effects on reducing hunger. It is a completely neutral product: it is just an active stimulator of the natural processes of the human body. Since fat burning occurs due to a rapid metabolic process, diets will finally be a thing of the past.
Here are the visible results of the women who participated in the tests with Matcha Slim in Kenya:

(Results may vary)

(Results may vary)

(Results may vary)
— Awesome! Will this product go on sale in pharmacies?
— As soon as they understood that we were really creating something worthwhile, pharmaceutical companies attacked us from all sides. They had already offered huge amounts of money to Ndapewa Amadhila to buy her formula, but not to resell it. They just want to prohibit the mass production of this product. The fight against obesity is a truly huge market niche in the pharmaceutical world. In the United States, for example, the product sells for billions of dollars. Our product can radically change the market situation. No one will want to waste their money every month buying ineffective weight loss products when they can try to address their problem with Matcha Slim and forget about the obesity problems.
Pharmaceutical networks are partners of pharmaceutical companies, and therefore, they do each other favors. Obviously, the main goal is to sell. Therefore, they don't even want to hear about our formula!
— And how do you get the product if it is not for sale in pharmacies?
— We came to the decision that if pharmacies get in our way, we would proceed without them and organize a direct distribution of Matcha Slim ourselves, without intermediaries. We discussed several options and opted for the most effective way to distribute the product. Matcha Slim is not sold in pharmacies! Therefore, all those who wish to obtain Matcha Slim with a discount of up to 50% can participate in our giveaway. Afterwards, they will be contacted by our qualified specialists to develop a personalized Matcha Slim plan. No matter where they live, we can ship the product anywhere in Kenya.
We have launched a large-scale advertising campaign across all media channels to draw people's attention to this product, and we promised to raffle off 100 packs of Matcha Slim.
Everyone can participate in the competition and win the grand prize: a 50% discount! This offer we created for Kenya aims at drawing people's attention to this product.
— Thank you! It was very interesting to discover this innovative product ! Would you like to say something else to our readers?
— Thanks to you. I would like to advise all readers to try to solve their overweight problem as soon as possible! Please don't put off slimming again and again, start fighting your problem right now!
PLEASE NOTE: We would like to warn you that we have a limited number of products on sale and they can run out very quickly. In order not to miss this unique opportunity, we recommend that you answer the call of our specialist in the first minutes after ordering. He will help you clarify the details of your order and confirm your promotional price.

The draw is already under way!
Try your luck!
Our portal provides an additional discount on Matcha Slim. Try your luck and press the SPIN button. If you are lucky, you can order the pack with 50% discount! Good luck!

Ingredients: maltodextrin, xanthan gum, matcha, citric acid, spirulina, flavor green tea, sucralose, althea root extract, grape fruit seed extract, coleus leaf extract, vitamin complex.
Instructions For Use: 1 portion/day. Mix 1 teaspoon with a glass (150 ml) of hot water until complete dissolution.
Matcha green tea alleviates obesity-induced hypothalamic inflammation via suppressing the JAK2/STAT3 signaling pathway:
Resistant Maltodextrin and Metabolic Syndrome: A Review:
Citric Acid for Weight Management in Overweight and Obese Adults:
Spirulina maxima Extract Reduces Obesity:
The Effect of Artificial Sweeteners Use on Sweet Taste Perception and Weight Loss Efficacy: A Review:
Extraction of polysaccharide from Althea rosea and its physicochemical, anti-diabetic, anti-hypertensive and antioxidant properties:
Grape seed pomace as a valuable source of antioxidant fibers:
Coleus Amboinicus Lour. Leaf Extract as an Antioxidant in Sepsis:
Disclosure: Weight loss is achieved as part of a healthy reduced-calorie diet and exercise program. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Due to my job I tend to be overweight and a long time ago, so long that it doesn't even seem real anymore, I weighed almost 96 kg and now I weigh an unbelievable 65 kg! I want to proudly show you photos, the result of my struggle against excess weight. I didn't even believe I could change so much but it turns out you really can lose weight at any age. Thank you! I ordered Matcha Slim again and the giveaway package arrived very quickly. The price of a product like this is simply ridiculous. I recommend taking advantage of the opportunity while the discounts last. Thank you for the giveaway! I saved, so I won
I can't help but share how excited I am! All my life I've tried various methods and supplements and nothing brought the expected results. However, Matcha Slim turned out to be a real discovery for me. I lost about 12 kg! And it's not surprising that many celebrities use it. This product helped me achieve the results I wanted, and now I can confidently say it's worth every penny I spent
Girls, I won Matcha Slim in the giveaway, awesome! First of all, I've lost 12 kg! Fat is mainly lost from the sides and abdomen. I am very happy with this product. I have recommended it to all my friends and everyone who uses it says it helps. Important: don't buy imitations, the original Matcha Slim is only found on this website
Often pharmaceutical companies seem to be more interested in money than in people's health care. Meanwhile Matcha Slim came to the aid of ordinary people like me and truly made weight loss a reality. I managed to lose 8 kg. I would like more, but the result is still excellent!
As always, just excellent advice! It's been 4 weeks since I finished my weight loss course with Matcha Slim. I'm so grateful to you! I really enjoyed losing weight with such pleasure. I also won a 15% discount in the giveaway for my next order. As a result I can say that after the course I found a happy life
I completely agree. An excellent supplement for weight loss! If only they could imagine the joy you feel when you wake up in the morning, weigh yourself and boom, few kilos less! Matcha Slim is something, don't hesitate girls! Most importantly, be careful with imitations. The original product is not sold in pharmacies. You can only buy it directly through this website
I also participated in the trials of Matcha Slim. Thanks to it, I lost 34 kg. I used to be overweight and girls didn't pay attention to me. But with Matcha Slim everything changed. Now I feel more confident and healthier. I was really glad that this product is suitable for both women and men! This product has truly changed my life for the better. Here are my photos
I lost 9 kg without unnecessary exhausting fasting. I ate everything thanks to Matcha Slim! The product delivery was really fast and convenient. I was very happy to be able to pay for the order after receiving it. This added confidence in the purchase. Thank you for the excellent service
The result was more than satisfactory! I can finally lead a normal life. I'm sharing my results with you. Matcha Slim is a true miracle!
Hello everyone! I also lost weight with the help of Matcha Slim. To be honest I didn't even dream of such a result. I thought it was all nonsense and didn't want to start but my sister convinced me to give it a try. I started taking it and as a result, I soon had to run to the store to change my wardrobe - my pants started falling off! Now my weight has stabilized and doesn't change, to say that I'm happy is an understatement. I recommend everyone to try it! Girls don't listen to anyone who tells you that you won't succeed or that you can't handle it. I did it! And you can do even more! I recommend Matcha Slim to everyone! Only this helped me. While the giveaway is ongoing, participate and maybe you'll be lucky to get it with a good discount
Before, when I was on a diet I didn't sleep well, I woke up constantly trembling. Following a friend's advice I took Matcha Slim and now my body responds very calmly to the diet. Apparently, metabolism speeds up, the body adapts quickly and natural weight loss processes begin. I am very happy that payment for the product is possible only after receiving it. Thank you very much for this convenient payment method!
I also participated in the giveaway, it doesn't seem complicated at all. I received the package after 2 days. Thank you very much! I advise you to buy the course right away, it will be more economical
Excellent product! There are several parameters based on which I chose it: the price, the quality of the product, the excellent reviews from other people, the presence of a large amount of useful substances and most importantly, my friend recommended it to me. There were results in just a week! I am amazed! It's been 40 days already, and my stomach is shrinking rapidly. I recommend it!
I participated in the giveaway and won Matcha Slim with a 10% discount! The product is excellent! I managed to lose almost 23 kg. This is my personal victory, and I'm proud of myself. Again, regarding questions about the product composition. Matcha Slim is 100% SAFE! I am allergic to several substances and had no allergic reaction. If anyone doesn't believe it, read the instructions
Firstly, the delivery was really fast - I received a package of Matcha Slim in 2 days! After starting to take Matcha Slim, I really lost weight. Interestingly, nothing is sagging, the muscles are toned and there are no stretch marks on the skin. I achieved this result in a month and a half. I didn't follow a diet, I ate whatever I wanted
Thank you! I was hoping for more but I'm also happy with it. The kilograms are disappearing nicely. Well, of course I don't eat pastries but other than that I don't restrict myself. If I want spaghetti, I eat spaghetti
I confirm that Matcha Slim is very effective. I also lost weight with Matcha Slim and I must say that I achieved real success – I lost 26 kg! Almost no one believes the result, but everyone is surprised :)
I lost 14 kg thanks to Matcha Slim, just as you advised me. I really like that it's a natural product and that you can lose weight with it without changing your diet
Matcha Slim works really well. All my friends I know are losing weight with Matcha Slim, and I must say they are very successful. I lost 7 kg! Take a look at my photos
Thank you all for the photos! I'm now participating in the giveaway and will start taking Matcha Slim. All my fears have been dispelled, and starting tomorrow, everything in my life will be in a new way
Matcha Slim is probably the best weight loss product available. My husband and I discovered it three months ago. Now we have no problems with excess weight! For those who are tired of the extra pounds and want to finally lose weight, there is no better way...
I managed to lose 20 kg. My weight was 94 kg. I remember how difficult it was for me at the beginning, whether it would work or not, whether it would be effective or not. It's hard when no one supports you, especially when your weight is so high. Girls don't listen to anyone who tells you that you won't succeed or that you can't handle it. I achieved it after three pregnancies. So you can do it too! I recommend Matcha Slim to everyone. It was the only thing that helped me. Participate in the giveaway and try to get a discount. Getting something like this with a big discount is a real gift from fate, without a doubt